
At a glance: Take a look at how leading brands are using Scandit Smart Data Capture to level up the efficiency and effectiveness of their retail operations. Gain an understanding of how advanced data capture and access to real-time information are helping to achieve results such as:

Retail is a unique industry. It never stands still. Challenges come in all shapes and sizes, some expected and some not. Selling stuff is…complex.

Faced with so many challenges, retailers look for ways to be agile, resilient and efficient. While also meeting customer needs wherever they are in the hope of securing a sale and business growth.

To help you find inspiration for improving efficiency and customer loyalty, we gathered some case studies.

Here is what our customers have been doing to level up the performance of their stores and the experiences of the workers and customers in them.

Single device vision boosts operational experiences at fashion retailer

A North American fashion retailer aimed to use a single device for all in-store tasks. Moving away from the use of different scanning and smart devices for various tasks. Point of sale (POS) was to be the trigger point for its digital transformation as it looked to improve the transaction experience for customers.

The retailer chose iPads powered by Scandit Smart Data Capture for their larger screen size, portability, and easy-to-use features.

Initially, concerns were raised by the back-of-house team when scanning inventory; a hard-to-reach button would have to be pressed to scan. However, this was resolved with Scandit SparkScan’s continuous scanning mode and intuitive user interface.

Streamlined form factor supports store flexibility

The benefits of this new approach were broad:

  • New store designs and layouts were no longer inhibited by static POS areas.
  • Software development became easier due to only supporting one form factor.
  • Cutting peripherals such as keyboards and barcode scanners lowered the cost and complexity of hardware.
  • Loyalty sign-up became seamless as the customer could self-serve on the same iPad while the associate removed tags and bagged items.
  • Associates can tackle multiple tasks with a single device, including receiving goods, clienteling and order picking.
30-40more transactions

Peak season is more manageable, cutting wait times by using the iPads to scale up POS and processing 30-40 more transactions per hour.

Empowered associates

The use of iPads is also key to store associate happiness and helping the retailer attract and retain talent. Easy-to-use tools not only make jobs more enjoyable but also help with onboarding new associates.

Feeling empowered, the associates have started to come up with their own clienteling paths to better support customers and generate larger basket sizes. For example, scanning all items as the customer goes to the fitting room and looking up their loyalty history to help with recommendations and faster transactions.


iPads Transform In-Store Operations

  • mPOS enabled new store layouts
  • 40x more transactions/hour at peak
  • New clienteling paths

Saving time and avoiding fines with automated pricing and promotion updates

For one large retailer in the United States, promotions are everything. Back to school, Black Friday, the holidays, plus many smaller ones that run throughout the year are crucial to revenue.

The retailer stocks a large number of SKUs. Running promotions requires changing a lot of prices a lot of the time.

It knew it was tedious work for its associates. Manually checking prices, printing labels and doing updates takes time and takes them away from focusing on customers.

Additionally, in certain states in the U.S., pricing compliance is regulated. If auditors find discrepancies between shelf labels and the POS, the retailer gets fined.

These factors spurred the retailer into action. It opted to pilot Scandit ShelfView.

ShelfView phone reprint label

ShelfView is a real-time shelf analytics solution. One of its modules tackles pricing execution using mobile devices. It does this by decoding the SKU barcode and text on shelf labels and then comparing these to correct ERP system prices instantly. Store associates are given real-time guidance on updates with an intuitive augmented-reality overlay.

It was an immediate hit with the store associates and the district manager who asked for the pilot to be expanded to all the stores in the region.

A big time-saving and guaranteed price compliance


With ShelfView, the time between consecutive price checks was shaved to under 2 seconds – 5x faster.

This is a significant time-saving and efficiency improvement when considered across thousands of price checks by multiple associates across hundreds of stores.

Additionally, ShelfView revealed the percentage of under and overcharges that were happening in store from pricing errors.

Roughly 1% of items had an undercharge – contributing to a loss of revenue. And between 5 and 10% of items had an overcharge – resulting in customer dissatisfaction and the risk of compliance fines. Using ShelfView, these inaccuracies were fixed.


Automated Pricing Updates Ensure Compliance

  • Slow and error-prone manual pricing updates
  • 5x faster with ShelfView
  • Ensured compliance by highlighting discrepancies

0% picking error rate when fulfilling orders

Picking errors can be costly for retailers fulfilling e-commerce orders. Errors mean that items have to be repicked and orders need to be reassembled. This impacts order fulfillment efficiency and the ability of retailers to get orders out on time.

Worse still, if those errors aren’t discovered, they find their way to customers – causing dissatisfaction and complaints.

The discount Japanese grocer, OK Corporation, was fully aware of this.

Having switched to using smartphones and an app to reduce manual effort and promote paperless stores, OK Corporation was still having issues with accuracy rates. Errors associated with the scanning performance of small and distorted codes were a problem for workers.

“In-store operations include scanning an enormous number of barcodes on products. However, some types of packages don’t allow staff to scan their barcodes easily. Even when they can be scanned somehow, if it takes more than a few seconds just to scan one barcode, this will cause stress for our staff.” Satoru Tanaka, Executive Officer and General Manager of Information Technology at OK

A reduction in picking time

By integrating the Scandit Barcode Scanning SDK, OK Corporation was able to instantly upgrade the performance of its store operations application.

Picking time went from 5 seconds per item to 2 seconds, a dramatic productivity increase across all processed orders.


But the real value came in the picking error rate. It dropped from 6% to 0%.

Without needing to correct mistakes during the picking or packing process, the overall efficiency of OK Corporation’s order fulfillment operation was maximized.

With the ease of use and performance of the app, even new workers were able to carry out order picking at the same speed and accuracy as experienced workers.


Scanning Performance Ups Fulfillment Efficiency

  • 6% picking error-rate impacting efficiency
  • Down to 0% with Scandit SDK
  • Faster worker onboarding

Updated store technology enables omnichannel for multi-brand retailer

For this global retailer, like many, the pandemic triggered its digital transformation. It knew technology was going to be key to the future success of its omnichannel offering and its business.

Issues with legacy technology meant that stock inaccuracies were happening in store. The repercussions on customers were big – 15% of omnichannel orders were canceled due to stock availability.

The retailer wanted a mobile, real-time solution that provided greater visibility. It opted to implement Scandit-powered smart devices that integrated with SAP Fiori for its store operations.


The benefits were immediate. The time spent on back-office administration was reduced to zero and inventory data is 100% accurate.

Scanning performance and access to real-time data made the difference.

Traditionally, laser scanners were used and store associates couldn’t be confident about what they had scanned. This was solved with the use of smart devices and instant on-screen feedback. Secondly, the scanning performance meant a change in process.

matrixscan count PUDO

Previously, store associates would only scan and check 10% of received items due to the time it would take – leading to stock inaccuracies. Using Scandit, every item is scanned and checked – delivering the 100% accuracy required for omnichannel retail.

A platform approach to omnichannel

The retailer also used the new system as a platform for its omnichannel offering. The fully integrated system provides greater visibility of customers and their orders.

It has helped to build trust with customers as they can rely on the information that they see online and on their devices. Prompting a greater number of store visits using the Reserve Online Pickup In Store (ROPIS) e-commerce option.

Wait times for items have also been improved. Order collection used to mean a customer waiting up to 15 minutes alone for their order. Now, the customer and associate collect the item together and discuss other complimentary options in a matter of minutes.

A better experience for both driving bigger basket values.


Inventory Accuracy Boosts Omnichannel Sales

  • 15% online orders canceled due to stock inaccuracy
  • Scandit and SAP deliver 100% accuracy
  • Improved sales and store visits via ROPIS
matrixscan count retail

Innovative customer experiences with mobile self-scanning

Maxima Estonia, the largest retailer in the Baltic region, decided to introduce mobile self-scanning to its customers. It took an existing mobile application that served as a digital loyalty card and equipped it with a scanning engine. Enabling Maxima to provide convenient mobile self-scanning services for its entire customer base.

After initially trying to build the scanning engine in-house, it soon realized that offering good scanning performance on the thousands of different devices used by shoppers was going to be a challenge.

In Maxima’s search for an external barcode scanning solution, it came across Scandit.

“We immediately understood how easy Scandit is to start using, and how fast and well it is working”Vsevolod Boikov, Director of IT at Maxima Estonia.

After integrating the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK, the app was launched in all of its 84 physical stores.

The app has been downloaded more than 100,000 times and the average basket value (ABV) for returning customers is 50% higher compared to other sales channels. But shopping isn’t the only thing that customers can do with the application.

Scanning inspires customer-centric ideas

Its success encouraged Maxima Estonia to come up with new ways to delight customers and attract new ones. Some of the extra services that shoppers can take advantage of include:

  • Scanning vouchers received after recycling glass and plastic bottles at in-store collection points and earning loyalty points
  • Adding winnings from scratch-off lottery tickets directly to their Maxima accounts in the form of loyalty points

More than 30% of shoppers using these features are newly-created accounts, meaning they were either not using the app beforehand or they actually shopped elsewhere.


Mobile Self-Scanning Innovates Customer Experience

  • Equipped a loyalty app with Scandit SDK
  • 50% higher basket values
  • Customer acquisition growth via new services

The importance of advanced scanning and data capture

None of the results you see above were driven by big-ticket innovations.

A smarter device and data capture strategy can yield exceptional results in the areas of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Barcode scanning remains a crucial part of retail. The capturing of data is a key entry point to many workflows.

Get that right and workers are empowered to be more productive and provide better experiences for themselves and their customers.

If you are interested in how Scandit can help you level up then request a bespoke demo here

Related Resources

Unmatched Scanning Performance

Scandit-powered mobile apps significantly outperform other scanning software solutions on any device under any condition with any barcode.

Smart Data Capture Platform

Learn more about how our products help you inject speed, accuracy and intelligence into your operations.

Enterprise Level Success

From evaluation to operation, we partner with you to ensure enterprise-level success.